Prep & Perfect

How to properly prep your natural nails with what's included in every pack of our press-on nails. How to per-fect it so that you can become an at-home press-on pro.

Prep before anything is so important. Let's say you were painting a wall, and you didn't sand it or prime it before applying the paint. The next day paint starts chipping, and within a week you no longer have a painted wall. When you remove the shine from your nail plate you create a rough surface for the glue to adhere to! So that's why Prep is so important! 

Failing to take heed of our advice will result in press-ons falling off prematurely and risk damaging your natural nail in the process.

There's a video tutorial below that will take you through the steps to achieving the correct prep and making sure your nails are ready for the our press ons.

What's included in our Prep Kit

In every Prep & Perfect Kit you will receive;

  • 1 Wooden Cuticle pusher
  • 1 tube of Makartt Glue 2g which can be used up to 2/3 times for a full set of press ons
  • 1 mini emery board / file
  • An alcohol Pad
  • 1 strip of sticky tabs, as an alternative to nail glue (recommended use for short periods of time a night out / a day)

Glue Specifications - A patch test of the glue provided onto your nail plate 24hrs before use is recommended just as a PRECAUTION incase. Allow 2/3 hours After application before getting water on your hands. To OPEN the glue you'll need to cut the tip of the glue as it's sealed to avoid any leaks.