Collection: Prep & Perfect Kits

How to properly prep your natural nails with what's included in every pack of our press-on nails. How to per-fect it so that you can become an at-home press-on pro.

Prep before anything is so important. Let's say you were painting a wall, and you didn't sand it or prime it before applying the paint. The next day paint starts chipping, and within a week you no longer have a painted wall. When you remove the shine from your nail plate you create a rough surface for the glue to adhere to! So that's why Prep is so important! 

Failing to take heed of our advice will result in press-ons falling off prematurely and risk damaging your natural nail in the process.

There's a video tutorial below that will take you through the steps to achieving the correct prep and making sure your nails are ready for our press-on nails.

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